
WorkBench accepts its configuration from environment variables which have the prefix WORKBENCH_. WorkBench comes with sane defaults and external configuration is optional.

Configuration using rcfile

WorkBench can also source an rcfile on invocation. The default location for the rcfile is $HOME/.workbenchrc. If a file at the default location exists, then it is automatically sourced.

A custom rcfile can be specified using the environment variable WORKBENCH_RC pointing to a file that already exists.

The rcfile can be used to define multiple configuration parameters at once.


The rcfile overrides environment variables defined in the shell.

A full list of configurable parameters are available in subsequent chapters.

The WorkBench Home directory

WorkBench operates on files inside a directory defined by WORKBENCH_HOME. If WORKBENCH_HOME is undefined, the default home directory $HOME/.workbench is used. WorkBench automatically creates the necessary folder(s) on invocation.